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Old 03-29-2007, 05:12 AM
vicki reno
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Good Morning everyone! How is it going? I helped work on the church quilt last night. the blocks are all done but now we are trying to get everything to fit around the center panel and still look symetrical. Its tough. i just want to jump in and say sew something! If its wrong we"ll do it over, but when you are in a group, you can't do that unless you plan on working by yourself after that. The center panel is an applique of the church--about 36 by 42 (Ithink) and the blocks are different sizes--corner blocks are bigger but all have sashing around them. The outside border has our motto "Growing in Faith Together" The sides ahave all the ministries and the date the church was founded (1982) We also have all 4 pastor's names on it.All the lettering was done with the machine. If we can work out the sizing of it and how to make everything fit, it will be beautiful!!!! WE ddin't get as much done last night as I hoped we would--too much discussion and not enough sewing, but I can't just barge in and stomp on them--gotta play nice :lol: We meet again Wed April 18th and by golly we are going to sew!
But---I have to say that working with these ladies and seeing what kind of work they turn out has left me in awe. So much talent in this tiny group (we are down to just 6 people) If we don"t get done soon everyone will have dropped out :!: Nex time we meet, I'll bring the camera and take snapshots and post them.
We are going to the mtns for Easter and the whole next week and I am bring both the pansy quilt and the Aunt Hatties garden quilt to work on. If I get to the library I'll post something just to say hi. Have to start packing this weekend--linens and such because I have to work all next week and we are leaving next Thursday night! Yeah :!: :!: :!: Mountains here I come!
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