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Old 10-27-2018, 10:26 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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Thanks for the link Feline. I did some searches myself and other than variations on what I've been doing I haven't found many ideal options for us. With Keto you have to be extremely low carb, and so many of the pork belly variations use sugar. Hubby is completely no on high fructose as well, and that leaves out many prepared sauces (especially BBQ) as well. He doesn't care for mustard or vinegar so much either.

The other issue I'm finding is the size of recipes, so many are crowd/restaurant quantities. I'm basically cooking for one person, while I can have a little bit it's really too high fat for my calorie intake. Third issue is I simply want recipes, I don't want to watch youtube videos for 5 minutes when all I want is 30 seconds of directions

BTW, he's been doing this with regular labs and doctor visits. He started about 6 months ago and while his lipid breakdown has shifted around a bit, nothing has really gone up and his weight has gone way down, losing about 100 pounds in about 7 months. True, you have to be large enough (in his case around 360) to lose that much. I have also lost about 100 pounds since my diabetes diagnosis but it took me 7 years...
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