Thread: Longarm Rental
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Old 10-28-2018, 12:26 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 410

The rate will vary from region to region. Around here I’ve seen rentals for around $20/hour, with a one-hour minimum. The ones I’ve seen require completing a longarm class at the shop, for which there is a substantial charge.

I would search around the web to find places that rent longarms and see what they charge and what the rules are. Others’ policies will give you a good idea of what sorts of issues might come up. Just as an example, I found this one ( (no affiliation), and it details which supplies they’ll provide and which the renter needs to provide. It also has a “mentor” charge if someone still needs help after the first rental.

Another thing to consider: how much could someone mess up the longarm if they don’t know what they’re doing? I don’t know much about longarms and can’t answer this question, but if someone could potentially do something to the machine that would cost a lot to fix, then it might not be worthwhile.
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