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Old 12-08-2018, 03:26 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Texas
Posts: 667

Hi everyone and Merry Christmas!! Don't know if any will remember me, lol, However I have wonderful memories of alot of you :-) Not many better places to find such wonderful, generous and kind people. I have missed being on QB, taking part in things and especially this years SS ! It's been a.....long year, lol. Lots of rough patches, skidding around and all trying to find steady ground , as I'm sure lots of you have also. Mainly tho I'm blessed with family and friends and , ha, mostly good heath, so alls good. Just waiting for the year to end, and to see what 2019 brings.
Anyways just wanted to stop in, Say my hellos and wish All of you Many Blessings for Christmas and the New Year, May it ring in with Good Health, Joy, Love, Prosperity and many acts of Kindness received and given. Huggs
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