Thread: Dresden Quilt
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Old 12-08-2018, 07:22 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by BSKTLOFR-QUILTER View Post
It's interesting you used a thrift shop bed sheet for the back and background as bed sheets use to be used all the time and now most people don't. I have been thinking of using them for backing. I didn't know how difficult it would be to quilt as I too am new to longarming. You didn't mention any problems using the sheet so that is encouraging. It is a really nice looking quilt and quilting looks great. You've given me a nudge to try the sheets on the back.
I was the opposite...when I started learning, the "wisdom" was to never use sheets as a backing because the higher thread count makes hand quilting difficult. Of course, this was also during a time when it was thought that "real" quilts were quilted by hand. I use my sewing machine, not a longarm, so I don't know if LA is any different, but I haven't had any more trouble quilting through a sheet than I do with yardage.

The way I see it, getting a quilt finished with a $5-6 bedsheet from the thrift shop is better that adding another floppy to the UFO pile to wait until I can afford 2-3 times as much per yard for yardage.
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