Thread: Thread drawer
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Old 03-29-2007, 10:38 AM
vicki reno
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My husband use to work for state parks here in NC and the park he worked at rented out group camps to no profit organizations. They had a lost and found box, cabinet ,closet or whatver where things these groups had left behind were accumalting. He was given the task of cleaning it out. Most was nothng I wanted or needed like cell ph with dead batteries, keys, jackets, etc. BUT there was one great item that he was allowed to keep as it had been in lost and found for years w/out being claimed. It was a wooden box(?) cabinet(?), I'm not sue exactly what to call it. It stands bout 18" high, has a handle at the top, hinges in the middle of one side and a latch on the other side. It opens up all the way and had one little tiny drawer at the bottom on one side. He went to Lowes and bought some tiny slats of wood maybe 1/4" thick and cut them to fit inside this box and now I have a thread cabinet that I can leae open all the time. It sits at the back of my cutting table which is agianst one wall and I can finally see at a glance exactly what colors I have and if I have any duplicates. I don't have a clue as to who left it behind but I am glad they did. I didn't realize how much thread I had stashed all over the room until I started pulling it out and putting it in the cabinet. Whew, I,m sorry, I ran of at the mouth agian. Lips zipped. :lol:
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