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Old 12-26-2018, 04:22 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
Posts: 3,567

Wow, tallchick, you have an impressive list!

Unsubscribe from everything?? Yikes! I rarely buy, and most always just delete the emails. Once in a while, though, I look at them, possibly put things in a cart. Rarer still is actually completing the sale.

Good luck with EQ. I decided that it really wasn't for me, and knew somebody who works with a good cause who was wanting it. Out in the mail it went. It stung a bit, having spent that much. But maybe it is being enjoyed, or at least used, by somebody else.

My goal is to get to sewing on a more regular basis. I retired 18 mos ago, but one thing or another has kept me from stitching. Most recently, nannying for grandson from late August until now. It was lovely to be with them out of state and spend time with the boys. Baby was 4 mos when I arrived, he will soon be 9 mos; other grandson is almost 3. It was amazing to see how they changed so much in that short time. They will both be in full time daycare now. While gone, kitchen, bathroom and laundry remodel happened. It's not quite done, and there is stuff everywhere. My cutting/work table was DH's temporary kitchen, and has just had microwave, hotplate, etc. moved. My hope is that in one more week I can get to my sewing machine, even if not everything is quite where it belongs.
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