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Old 02-21-2010, 01:35 AM
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Location: Hampshire, UK
Posts: 258

Wow, I just woke up and missed a whole page! Since I am new to quilting I don't know much about the ethics involved of sharing patterns etc. I was a bit weary about spending lots of money on a book from which I only use one pattern, but I certainly wasn't trying to cheat Ms Martin out of anything. The library issue is a bit confusing though. When I was at university it was legal to copy 10% of a book without the authors permission, but no more. I don't really understand why it would be more ethical to sign the book out and make her quilt than to copy the pattern and make it, as in both cases she wouldn't earn money from me buying the book, and I wouldn't be distributing it but have "stolen" her idea if you will. Btw., how old is your DIL if you don't mind me asking? She sounds very young to take that approach, and I hope you guys can work it out soon. I would never stop speaking to my MIL because she took my hubbie's side, moms are moms :)
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