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Old 01-02-2019, 05:29 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cottage Grove, MN
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Thanks Rob for starting this thread.

Last year I made lists for the following things:

yardage used, donated: I did a great job keeping track in this category.
yardage purchased: I am missing a receipt that has my biggest purchase so this one didn't get completed yet.
UFO's: finished 1 of 2
Wips: I finished some; started new ones and added them
BOM/BOW: I did pretty well recording which weeks/months I completed for the first 9 months. So fairly successful.

I will make similar lists again this year. Unfortunately, a few WIPS will probably be added to the UFO group as their year anniversary approaches.

Although I am a retired teacher, I go through periods of being a very, very busy substitute teacher. I just need to learn to say no. LOL!

On a different organizing note, I am using your idea Rob for trying to purge something every day. I am, however, just trying to get to 365 items tossed, donated, or recycled for anything in the house this year. I decided I would count out 365 buttons from my DMIL and sort them by putting one button in it's color bin each time I get rid of something. I have pretty loose rules: A large garbage bag of shredding delivered to the pet shelter; a box into recycling that has been hanging around for at least 6 months, individual pieces of plastic food storage, etc will each be one button. At least I will have visual progress this way along with some buttons sorted by color.

I know l have 2 new quilt tops that I will start this year. One is a BOM through a LQS and the other is a BOW through a die cutter group.

Also, I will continue sorting through scraps and using strips in strip blocks.
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