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Old 01-16-2019, 07:27 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Mississippi
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It looks beautiful to me, but don't torture yourself if you aren't enjoying it. Take it and the pattern and pass it on to another quilter (maybe through this board or at a local guild meeting). Someone will love to finish it.

Permission! Yes... Only last night did I have an epiphany about 'permission' to discard a project. I had started a quilt of brightly colored spools on a black background, waaaaaaaay back when I was just beginning to get interested in quilting. I chose a very dense cotton, a too-thick batting, and the pieces had a lot of seams... and started hand quilting it. Impossible! I kept it for close to 30 years, still with parts of it pinned, and never could discard it tho I hated trying to hand quilt through all that resistant stuff. I didn't even like the look of it anymore... it was so primitive. So instead of tossing it, I folded it in quarters and made a cat bed out of it, pins and all-- in case I ever wanted to finish quilting it one day. ( ) Well, last night my cat gave me permission to toss it. I had noticed she wasn't sleeping on it anymore, and on closer inspection learned she was using it as a second litter box. Into the trash it promptly went! I feel free!
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