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Old 02-21-2010, 02:12 PM
RatherB Quilting
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Originally Posted by Lostn51
But I think that for a marriage to work you have to take an active roll in each others lives including hobbies and interest.

I totally agree! I think you definitely have a keeper there! My hubby is wonderful too! He is always super supportive and never begrudges me my hobby. He "willingly" will go into a fabric store with me and quite often helps me pick out my colors. He never tells me that I am getting in over my head when I sign up for three different swaps, plus have all my own projects on top of taking care of a 10 month old! LOL! (He regularly takes the baby so I can quilt away!)
The part that makes it even more amazing of him is that right now he is unable to nuture his own hobby. We are living in a trailer while we wait to build on our land, so he has no space for his wood shop. Nary a complaint from him!
It's awesome your Hubby is so wonderful! Make sure to post a pic of the quilt you make for him for his wonderfulness!!
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