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Old 01-21-2019, 04:17 AM
Janice McC
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Hi Laters! I see you've found the thread. Yay! Thank you to everyone who has responded to my email. There are still a few more I need to hear from so if you haven't yet seen it, please check your email and reply.

So our names are rather humorous. I'm glad you are having a bit of fun with them. I'd actually hoped you'd find the goofiness of them enjoyable.

JayneW, I missed the blood moon, too darn tired last night, but the pix are astounding. How beautiful! Oh, well, after seeing enough pix, in a while I'll think I saw it in person anyway.

So, I see you are packaging up your F8s, getting them ready to go. Reminder about size - 10x18 but 11x18 is appreciated if you've got it. Labels with your board name on every small baggie are required along with your fabric requests if you have any (remember they are requests not requirements!) should be inside or on a label on the outside. If you don't have any requests, please let us know that, too. When those are done, please put everything inside a larger, gallon-sized ziplock that has your board name, group name, as well as your address in the event that a package comes undone during shipping. It may increase chances of getting back to you. It's not happened yet but that doesn't mean it cannot. (Now there's a lesson I keep having to learn.) Remember email me with your tracking number as soon as you get it. Do not post it on the threads. And while we're at it, be cautious if you take pix. Some people have posted pix of their prepped packages and both my address and theirs have been clearly visible in the photo. Be cautious!

Anyone with any questions, let me know! I'll be around all day, on and off. I've got to decide on my fabric and prep it, see about my sewing machine and it's new terrible noise, donate blood, and finally get my car in for service. It seems I have a huge coolant leak. One of this weekends fun surprises! I wonder if the shop will be open today? Guess I'll soon know. Later, Laters! (Oh, that's never going to get old.)
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