Old 01-31-2019, 10:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 2
Default Domestic 153x knee control adjustments & motor sounds & stitch length adjuster

I bought a Domestic 153X because I thought the cabinet would make a nice desk. Then I read about the machine and decided I bought a gem of a machine for $25. I had it serviced brought it home and it sat for a year. I decided to give it a test drive this week.

The stitches are beautiful, even, great tension & with a little wheel turning sewed through 11 layers of material (2 layers cotton, 1 layer batting, 1 layer heat resistant batting, 4 layers of binding & 3 layers of cotton for a hanger).

I’m hoping someone can help with a few questions.
1. Is there a way to adjust the knee control sensitivity. It takes moving the knee control lever to just the right position to get the motor/needle to engage. I find it difficult to manage the speed either really slow or warp very little in between. Also there is a lot of play in the forward/backward positioning & the side ways motion is quite stiff. Hope all that makes sense.

2. The machine does not purr, rather it sounds kind of like a jet engine and vibrates. Perhaps this is due to the drive wheel having a flat spot (the piece of cloth holding the motor away from the wheel slipped out at some point).

The stitch length adjuster for reverse only turn to 8. Is that correct?
i appreciate any information and suggestions.
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