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Old 01-31-2019, 03:56 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 122
Default Viking Designer 1

Not terribly vintage, but there was a listing for one near me in pristine condition with all sorts of goodies for $400. Figured my daughter would love it or my 1+ as she has a cheap Brother. I'm really excited to have it, as it's one of the last Vikings made in Sweden.

The couple I bought it from were so lovely and had this house with the most incredible views out in the country. She also gave me a free Good Housekeeper's zig zag machine she didn't want, a 1692. Boy is that machine heavy!! It had a few sticky areas (cams) but responded very quickly to a bit of oil. I gave it to our house cleaner, who has granddaughters she wants to teach to sew. I'm thrilled it will get a new home with someone who appreciates it.

Interesting story: Was visiting my cousins in the NYC burbs last weekend and someone listed a Rocketeer 500A and lovely cabinet for only $12. We got in the car to go get it and the neighborhood started getting worse and worse. The guy was a real estate agent and was cleaning out an estate. It was evening and we were getting nervous, so I asked the agent if he would meet me out at the curb with the machine. He responded with "I'm not taking this outside - you are going to have to come in to get it". Well, three women at night in a neighborhood and a response like that? I told them "nope, time to turn around". Might have been a mistake on my part, but I don't think anything is worth that kind of potential risk.
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