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Old 02-16-2019, 12:00 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,114

Ok, the "virtual quilting weekend" is helping me with my flying squares project. I was looking at those white-on-whites and have decided to save them for the purple quilt I have coming up and will be using off-whites instead. For whatever reasons I have less issues mixing those up. I already know for the purple quilt that each block will use one white fabric, even though the whites do touch you mostly will notice the purple so I'm good on that one.

I did layout the basics in EQ, have decided on no sashing. If I do change my mind I'll have some orphan blocks but that's not so bad. Haven't figured out what (if anything) to do as a border. In my mind this is what I think of as a "wash quilt" and it might be edge to edge or just a basic piece of fabric. That compulsive part of my mind however is thinking about having the random 9-patches all around the outer edge, I'm sure however that will require more 2.5" strips than I have and I'm trying to use them up, not make more of them!

My dog had some vet bills that will keep me from buying fabric for the next couple of weeks, even from the thrift store. So I should have two months down with no new purchases.
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