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Old 02-18-2019, 02:31 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 679

I certainly applaud your ability to put that purple/blue in the OCD would never allow ME to do even that! So you are ahead of some of us. I sort my scraps by color and when I make a string block, I work with that one color....different shades, designs, with bits of other colors, etc, but always in the same family.
At any rate, your quilt looks great and please remember that 99% of whoever sees it, will see the overall design and "look and feel" of it. Not even many quilters will examine it to the degree to even say "you have too much red here, or that block would have looked better over there". Unless you ask them to!
As Tartan said, no matter how long you re-arrange it, when finished, YOU will see something you wish was different.
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