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Old 03-20-2019, 01:28 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 269

Another thought, but one that doesn't have anything to do with the quilting design: do you have Machingers gloves? I've tried other cheaper solutions (garden gloves, etc) in the past but I was able to find Machingers pretty cheaply on Amazon before and I will never go back. They fit snugly and grip really well and I absolutely love them. Your LQS will likely carry them too if you want to just go pick up a pair.

If you're finding it difficult to move the quilt through your machine and you don't have the machine inset into a table, I used to use books or small boxes placed around my sewing machine to make a faux extension for my machine until I made a foam insulation topper for my table. Books/boxes are easily moved when you're done, and having a level surface will significantly reduce drag which makes for much easier FMQ. As Watson said, finding the right combination of speed between hands and foot control is important. I actually find it much easier to make smoother curves when my foot is stitching faster!
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