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Old 03-31-2019, 09:08 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 777
Default Jack's chain/ring cycles

Hi - I've fallen in love with the Jack's chain posted by Cam's gram from the quilt show, and I've been studying it, but there are some important things I'm not getting:

1. Is Jack's chain kind of the same as "Ring Cycles," except for the center?

2. Is there a special way to get the overlapping, echoing, circle effect (not sure what to call it), maybe using certain values together? I have seen a few online that do not have it, but the show quilt really did.

3. Can you get the circle effect by using brights on a dark background? Might I get discrete circles instead that simply sit there?

Thankful for any comments you can share.

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