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Old 04-02-2019, 12:02 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Va.
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Today I started a notebook that has a page for each of my quilts. Each page shows the name of the quilt, what kind of batting was used, when it was finished, any quilt shows it was in, current location, etc.

I did entries for my 30 most recent quilts and I was surprised at how many of them I've forgotten what kind of batting I used, etc. I had even forgotten what some of them looked like until I hunted up the ones that are still here at the house and took a look. I don't know that I'll ever be able to make a full listing of quilts I've done over the years, but at least I know what's still hanging around here at the house. And, I have a way of tracking them if I send them out to shows, or give them away, etc.

I want to do something similar for my artwork, but that's a daunting task as it doesn't take nearly so long to make a painting as it does a quilt (at least for me). I'm thinking that maybe for the artwork I'll just start with new things and add in older pieces if they go out to shows.

The Christmas tree is still up. Maybe I'll start taking the ornaments off it tonight.

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