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Old 04-02-2019, 06:19 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Albany, Oregon
Posts: 172

I'm so sorry you have to go though such a tragedy. It sounds like you are surrounded by love and support. I am amazed you were able to keep it together enough to finish this boom. Hats off to you! Warm thoughts as you walk through this tough time.

Originally Posted by JayneW View Post
Good evening Boomers,

I wanted to share with all of you what has been going on in my world the past couple months. My husband of 27 years decided he no longer wants to be married. We are in the middle of a divorce and I am closing on a new house and moving this Friday. It has been an absolute emotional rollercoaster and the most painful thing I have ever gone through. On the up side, I have a job I love, am financially secure and have an amazing support group of friends and family. I have been pretty absent from this swap and will be the first to admit chose very simple blocks for the boom so that I could fufill this obligation before my move.

Hugs to all of you.
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