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Old 04-05-2019, 06:37 AM
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Default Value of Antique Machines

A number of years ago, I went bonkers and bought a few antique sewing machines. I have three treadle machines, four or five machines in coffin boxes, and a couple of lose machines (no bases - these were given to me). Some are around 100 years old and others are newer maybe 50-75 years old.

We are thinking about retirement, relocating to somewhere warm and this means downsizing. I really don't want to move all of these machines. They really should be in homes where they will be appreciated.

My question is: How do I find a fair value of these machines? I don't want to rip anyone off, including myself. Do you know what steps I would take? DH says that items are only worth what people are going to pay. I just need a starting point and then I can do the research.

Thanks in advance!!

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