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Old 04-06-2019, 11:06 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,043

RT09, I like both of your quilts you shared. So pretty.

Well I jumped off the wagon and bought fabric to keep and give away. I was looking for a few colors to start a new QAL weekly and 10 - FQ's to swap for our guild BD swap. Those will be gone in 10 days. Did I tell you I went on 2 Shop hops. So much fun. I won 3-4 Free FG's, a stack of 5" material, two bags of scraps, one of the bags had full length 1/4 yards. About 5-7 yards. Free = several patterns and small notions. And 3 pieces of yardage. Not too bad for 2 days. Then one of my GFs gave me a large sewing quilt kit she didn't like. So I get to finish and decide what I will do with it. I'll make it for her, or will I decide what to do with it later. And lots of driving. 1st day visited 10 shops the second day visited 4 shops. It was nice to see the river and area start to turn green. At least I had fun being off the wagon. LOL Now no buying for a while.
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