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Old 04-07-2019, 04:46 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

I finished my Bonnie Hunter Good Fortune mystery quilt top— used all scraps. then i sent away (7) large flat rate priority boxes of scraps and orphans and had a lady come over and take a large trash bag full of scraps. Whew! Cleared out a Lot of scraps. Emptied a really big tote and about 7 shoe box sized boxes. Of course I’ve created more but at least they are not over taking the studio anymore. I’m guessing about 20 yards of fabric. I have a stack of tops to quilt and am going to see what backs I can come up with from my shelves. I think I’m going to spend some time making smaller projects over the next couple months to use more stash fabrics. The shelves are still pretty full, but not much in large yardage anymore. I am getting a little tired of ( scrappy) quilts- smaller projects won’t have to be scrappy. I have 2 niece’s having babies this summer so that will use up some stash too. I still have over flowing baskets of strips. I need to start working on those too- maybe a couple new rugs. Always so much to do. I’ve been productive without spending any money, which is of course our goal but have also been fortunate enough to win a couple shop hop prizes and receive gift cards so I’ve been able to satisfy that urge to get something new. I try to use them for thread, tools, rulers etc. no fabric.
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