Thread: Thread catches
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Old 04-30-2019, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: N. Carolina
Posts: 14

Hi there; I actually had the same problem with my power machine. In my case, it turned out that my needle's eye was too small for the thread I was using. If you determine this is not your problem
after trying a larger size needle; then it could be your upper tension is too tight... not allowing the thread to come back up with the moving thread guide. (why can't I get the term.. the bobbing up and down guide) If that doesn't work, then check your bobbin tension . if that is tight, then issues will arise.
Since you say it happens on all your machines, my first suggestion is probably the reason.
In my situation; I was sewing a heavy nylon thread with too small of needle eye, preventing the thread from freely flowing thru. Once I went up to a larger needle, all was well!
Antique or modern, some issues are common.
Hope this helps!
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