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Old 05-02-2019, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by sunrise450
I have been following this thread, I really need to downsize but it is so daunting I can't seam to get started. Yesterday I decided to start with one thing. I pick one thing to give away and one thing throw away. Surely I can handle that! If I can get into this habit then hopefully I can increase this pattern to give 2, discard 2 on up.
What do you think? Do you have any suggestions?
sunrise...are you referring to fabric downsizing or overall house stuff? For fabric downsizing, I went through my fabric and made quilt kits...meaning fabrics that go together that can be used for a future pattern. That helped me coordinate better. If an odd piece showed up, I'd give to the church ladies. Sometimes, I'd give them the fabric I kitted up. Then they'd have a complete coordinated stack of fabric to design a donation quilt or whatever. They love it when I show up..

For house stuff, I'll share what my mother did... I have 6 my mom set up 7 in each color representing each kid. Then, she when she went through each room, she would place items in the the tote she wanted to gift it to. When we stopped by for a visit, we emptied it. For other stuf, she had a donation box and we'd cart that down to goodwill or target it for a garage sale.

Your idea works, too!! My recommendation is to just take a room at a time...or a closet etc. break down this huge project into several, manageable steps. You'd be amazed how fast it can go. I also filled my trunk as I decided on donation stuff. Then, when I'm out and about, I just swing by goodwill or thrift shop and empty trunk. Another words, just fit these errands into your weekly run arounds
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