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Old 02-23-2010, 06:37 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by BellaBoo
After a too young first marriage with plenty of money worries and never being able to have anything to look forward to but payday I thought marriage was the pits. My second and last marriage I made sure a paycheck was the last thing we would have to worry about before becoming involved to the point of it didn't matter. Choose your spouse carefully because marriage will be your dream or your worse nightmare.
Rule #1 Never marry for money! Too many of my friends have "Trophy Wives" that married them for the money and both parties have affairs and all it does is end up a wreck.

A marriage needs to be based off of trust, love ,and morals. Money does play a part in it but only if one of the partners put more emphasis on it that the other one.

My great grand parents were married for eons and they were dirt poor sharecroppers and moonshiners and they were the happiest couple that you have ever seen. They didnt get running water in their 3 room home until 1976. And they never had a bathroom it was always an out house.

I have always worked hard and overachieved at all of my goals. I was married at 19 and even though my wife was 32 and had a nice career as a Paralegal we both worked hard to get ahead and save money. When she was pregnant with our first child I made her quit her job and she has never worked a day since.

Then after the second kiddo popped up I was putting in endless hours in an upper corporate job and finally decided one day that I was missing everything that was important to me, my family.

So I quit my 6 digit a year job and have never looked back. It helped that everything I own has always been paid for (we never had bought anything on credit) and that my wife and I have always put God, family and each other before anything else.

Its been 10 years since I even had a job and we have been married for 26 years this year. We are not the richest people out here but we have money in the account, roof over our heads, food in the pantry, and our family values are like they were in 1951. Hence my screen name Lostn51!!

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