Thread: Home Schooling
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Old 05-08-2019, 03:53 PM
Barb in Louisiana
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One of my granddaughters was home schooled for several years. In Louisiana, there are prescribed programs that fulfil their learning as if they were in a regular school. When she transitioned to high school, she was totally caught up, in fact, ahead of many of her peers. Her brother and sister tried it and hated it. Both are very bright, straight A students, but they missed the interaction of school, until they started going to a regular school. Now, two years later, I am hearing the same thing from them and their mom is concerned about all the drugs the students have on school grounds even though they are not supposed to have them. She may go the home school route again soon.

The home school students I know were all ahead of the normal student and got to try some things that weren't offered in their normal schools. If they want to do team sports, the local schools are required by law in Louisiana to let them participate. Some of the home schooled student's parents have started up a one day a week outing where there is a guest teacher that brings in something to teach that isn't their basic curriculum. Am I in favor of it? Yes although it doesn't work good for everyone.

We have Common Core in Louisiana. My oldest great granddaughter is failing because she knows her math in the old school way. She doesn't have to estimate an answer because she knows the actual. How crazy is that? I may have to keep her next school year, second grade, and help her get her self esteem back. FYI...when they get to high school, they have to do things as actual, real answers. Some of the kids are getting very confused and a lot of parents hate Common Core to the point of paying thousands of dollars a year to put their kids into private schools, or mom quitting her job to stay home and home school the kids.

Forgot to add: The home schooled kids are permitted to participate in any clubs of their local school and get that extra experience. They get to go to dances and have fun with their friends.

Last edited by Barb in Louisiana; 05-08-2019 at 03:57 PM.
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