Thread: Home Schooling
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Old 05-09-2019, 09:49 AM
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Ha ha... I have to shake my head at some of the 'opinions' of those who have had no experience homeschooling, whatsoever. I home educated all three of my children during the 90's and 2000's and finished up when the last one graduated in 2008. I'm sad to see the same old fallacies about homeschooling are still alive and well.

Actually, the "insular world" is in the institutional classroom, where the kids are surrounded by only those of their same age, every day of their life. If they weren't confined to that environment for the vast majority of their waking hours (not to mention tied up with hours more of homework once they get home), they might have time to learn all the other important aspects of life... cooking, building, gardening, raising animals, learning a trade with mom or dad, volunteer work, fine arts training, or whatever their natural leanings are. They would not be subject to "group think" and indoctrination of what is "correct" according to someone who the government hired to "educate" them. They instead grow and flourish within the values of their parents.

In reality, you don't need nearly as much time to educate a child every day when you don't have to waste time dealing with the kids who act out (at worst), or just can't keep up with your child's learning level (at best). It is not necessary to replicate the format of public school, and is not even beneficial.

Home educating families are more often than not part of local support groups with other HE families. There are tons of opportunities to "socialize", learn together, take field trips and just gather to have play days. They are also with peers in church and community sports teams. The concept that HE kids are just kept in a box, is ridiculous. And they are out in society so much more than kids confined to the classroom. They are unfettered! They are commonly very comfortable conversing with people of all ages, especially adults. They have a huge 'leg up' on being productive adult citizens. And they, in large percentage, do become leaders as adults.

School can really harm a child's natural love of learning by boring them, day after day after day.

So I'm offering a few thoughts that may be new to some... from someone who has lived the home educating life.

Last edited by QuiltnNan; 05-09-2019 at 10:31 AM. Reason: remove political statement
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