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Old 05-22-2019, 09:47 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 112

Originally Posted by nanna-up-north View Post
Adjusting tension really does start with the bobbin but without a gauge you probably won'd know it that's set correctly. Does your machine have a bobbin case or does the bobbin just drop in?

To adjust the upper tension to match the bobbin tension, this is the rule. When there are loops on the bottom of your sewing it means that the upper tension is too loose. Turn the upper tension to a higher number.

If the loops are on the top of your sewing it means that the upper tension is too tight. Turn the upper tension to a lower number.

Now, if the tension is okay during your normal sewing, just turn the upper tension back to whatever number you had it at before doing the binding.

I hope that helps.
nanna-up-north, this is from a nanna down south, and this is the clearest explanation for adjusting tension that I have ever read or heard. I was a career woman for years and just tried to sew sporadically, and if the tension messed up, eventually I would just buy another machine. Do not ask how many machines are stored in my house. Now, even though I have pieced quilts for several years, if the tension messes up, it is back to the dealer if go. Finally, I feel as if I have at least an idea about how to adjust the tension and can fix the machines that are in "dry dock" because of tension problems. THANK YOU!!!
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