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Old 05-31-2019, 11:04 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chula Vista CA
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A friend of mine was very insulted when her grandson and wife let their dog sit with them on the quilt she made them. I too was rather horrified when a friend told me she loved to cuddle with her dog and have the quilt I made wrapped around them. But then I read the book," That Dorky Homemade Look" and enjoyment it the name of the game. I don't make heirloom quilts. I do spend a lot of money on them, but I want them used, and I want them worn out so I cI can make them more knowing they are enjoyed. If the end of out on the wood pile then they obviously don't need another one, but if they end up in the dog's bed not such tragedy. We had a dog that fell in love with a Christmas rug I had made. It was a hooked rug so it was shaggy and he loved it. We finally decided it was best to let him have it. He slept with it until the day he passed away. And when I washed it, he would go around the house looking for it.
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