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Old 06-09-2019, 12:54 PM
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funny you should ask about this.I grew up with a mother who used White King flakes for all cleaning. Dishes, laundry, scrubbing floors...eeu. Slimy the minute the water cooled down and even as a kid I didn't think it was up to much for cleaning. But, moms house moms rules. Open the cupboard, use White King. We did get lots of dishes and glasses over the years though.

So I've tried every magic elixir invented over the years.
Ammonia and bleach are still top contenders.
Ajax powdered cleanser.
Various spray carpet cleaners over the years, the current fav is Oxy- something.
Have never found a window cleaner I'm happy with.
Pledge furniture polish
Old English scratch cover up, light and dark.
Bona floor cleaner.
All brand dishwasher and laundry soap

It has only taken 50 years to narrow it down to that.
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