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Old 06-17-2019, 05:48 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 143

I think we’re coming from the same place on this issue. I began pursuing French cooking at 19. I’ve acquired a lot of items and haven’t begun to add copper to the horde or the silver pans I’m eyeing. I started exploring an eco-friendly lifestyle several years ago and make many things myself. The jars and equipment require more storage.

I have a mini photography studio, food props and boards, scrapbooking materials and others for drawing. Now I’m exploring fashion illustration and piano and we haven’t addressed sewing yet. I’ve built a life around cultural pursuits and self-improvement but we’ve outgrown our space. I don’t want a house but a townhouse with an office and studio are a must.

I enjoy gardening, herbalism, and soap-making. I’d like to make some candles but canning season is here and I’ll be busy for the summer. Now I’ve added woodworking to the mix. I’ve been pruning continually and trying to rid the house of paper and unnecessary items. Clutter is bothersome and I’m buying a lot of organizational items to keep things tidy.

I have a lot of books but got rid of my share when I changed things around. Decorating has a way of igniting my want to purge. I’m in my 40s but excess overwhelms my senses. I think its manageable with great storage (like floor to ceiling cabinets) but I’d want glass to see what’s in there.

The way I curtail taking on more is by documenting my time. For instance, if I have 4 hobbies when will I do them? Although I work from home I think its important to account for my time. It’s easy to assume you’ll do more until your time tracker reveals otherwise. And I have to answer the now question as well. Why is it necessary to do it at this moment? Is it feasible given my other interests?

Most of my activities are interrelated. And there are others I haven’t taken and may never pick up. I’m beginning to limit myself and opt for specialized interests that I can dig into rather than a hodgepodge.
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