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Old 06-25-2019, 05:52 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Mn
Posts: 6,530

I am happy to say infection is almost totally gone and this is the longest time frame I have gone without a reoccurrence since January. Feeling so much better it’s unbelievable, able to get back to walking and am spending this week at the lake by myself. Will head straight home and to the clinic at the first sign of rash. Right now my poor belly button is taking the brunt of it and sore as all get out. A part of your body you usually don’t think about.

So far no chiggers here but swimmers itch is out in force. My poor neighbor next door his legs are covered with it. Going into town to get some repellant as it is supposed to be downright hot towards the end of the week. Hoping to get in some lake time.

think hubby is buying a new boat today. We have been looking for a long time and running around the state checking them out. We have checked this one out twice and this afternoon he will drive down and take it for a test drive. Funny thing is I knew this was the one he would want as soon as he first saw it. His eyes lit up and he was so excited, just like us checking out sewing machines. We will sell our pontoon and my beloved jet ski. Going to miss it that’s for sure

gees sorry I was so long winded, guess that happens when I am alone to long
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