Thread: Bought a UFO
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Old 06-27-2019, 10:17 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,098

If a person decides to get rid of a project then it is yours to do with as you would. You can cut it up, carefully take it apart, or try to finish it true to the original concept.

When I buy unquilted tops or other kits I usually try to keep true to the idea of the project, this past week I picked up a Tumbling Blocks top that was nicely made other than a terrible flimsy poly border. I'll take that off and replace it with a print from the period that is also double the width of the current border. Part of me really believes that I should take it all apart down to the hexes and reassemble them so the dark fabric is not on the top for a better 3D effect, but in that case I might as well just make one from scratch.

On the other hand, I've seen some great stuff done by people who cut blocks and reassembled them or did some pretty major changes and that can be great too. At a guild show a number of years ago one of the small groups did a 9-patch swap, everyone had exactly the same blocks to work with and what they did with them was amazing.

I really try to keep out of doing stuff for other people! I have finished some UFOs, repaired a quilt here and there... Fortunately I can often say truthfully and honestly that I am not good at handwork stuff but I can find someone to refer you to.
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