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Old 07-10-2019, 05:09 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,065

Well, I left my Tuesday group with more fabric than I brought to share. Mostly smaller pieces but yardage too. That's part of what we do is redistribute our stashes to each other. Also, the hostess gave me the appropriate batting for the twin preemie quilts.

I had already decided to add a 4" border around the Here Kitty Kitty top which made it too big for the fabric I was originally going to use for the back and for the 2nd and 3rd choices too. I have a paw print pantograph design I will use to quilt paw prints with tan thread around the edges of the quilt and will do a paw print meander in the center. The black border will help tie in the black sashing.

While digging out a potential back for one of the ladies I found not one but two pieces that would be perfect for the back. Except then one of the other ladies had a big bag of flannels, enough for backs and there is a great cheetah/leopard print plenty big enough for the back so now I have to make some decisions!

At group I started pinning on my black sashing to my post card quilt, I started cutting it last week but I lost count over the week and decided it would be easier to count the blocks left over than deal with those sticky pieces of black and my vision. I'll be cutting the borders for the Kitty quilt along the length of the black, and can finish cutting the sashing rectangles out of what's left. The black and white yardage was what I bought at the end of last year, always good to have it in the stash.

Right now I have one of the heavily gold embellished fabrics from the Value Village bag in the wash to see how it turns out. The answer is usually just fine. The cut on the folds is the more or less standard 2 yards, it varies a bit by region but they are sold in those lengths so they can be used as wraps in various ways around the body/hair/baby for males and females both. I threw in an old pair of pants I don't care about to see how much transfer come off.

I have this idea for a very modern quilt (very different than my usual stuff) that is a lot of black/blank space and metallic fabrics. I have some small square panels from the Cat-I-tude line by Benartex I'll be using. I had already made some stack and whack/OBW blocks from a black and metallic fabric, but I grabbed the wrong ruler and made octagons instead of the more walnut-shaped hexagons that I wanted. I've been trying to convince myself to go ahead and use them but was unhappy. So now I'll make some hexes and see if I'm any happier. The print is so busy I don't think it's really suited for the treatment, but the border is fine for it and I only want a few blocks. Maybe I can make some small non-pieced hexes out of the thicker print area, I will be able to use a tiny bit in another area of the quilt. I can still use the rest of the original fabric for what I wanted.

Not much sewing or shopping planned for the next couple of weeks, my best friend from High School is coming down from Alaska for a visit. I need to get the house nice. We won't be doing anything special, just visiting. Sometimes that feels good
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