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Old 07-22-2019, 07:52 AM
Janice McC
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Posts: 9,349

Two weeks, klaws? You are ready! lol Can't wait to see your fabric in person.
Originally Posted by klaws
Welcome newbies! After this boom, you will be hooked! I will be mailing my package today. I've had it ready for 2 weeks anxiously waiting to mail.
Vikkim, I love that the mother/daughter team is in this Boom for a second time. You may have been nervous but my goodness, you'd never know from your beautiful blocks.
Originally Posted by vikkim
Welcome to the new folks! I was new last boom, and while nervous at first, found the group to be welcoming and supportive! I learned a ton! I'm looking forward to my second boom with this talented group! I'll be working on getting my fabric off by Wednesday.

I'm excitedly preparing for a trip back east for a family reunion and quilting retreat with my daughter, Pam, who is also a boomer in this group (PamOry). We are going to MSQC in Missouri!! It is going to be a fun trip!!
Terriamn, razy weather everywhere really is the new normal. What a mess! My friend went home to NJ to meet 105+ degree temps. Made us in my area at 90 seem downright comfortable in comparison.
Originally Posted by terriamn
Welcome to all the newbies. You are in for a fun time

Kass you’re wibbley wobbley is awesome.

in the winter I often wonder why any of us choose to live in Minnesota but summers usually make it so worthwhile. This summer has been absolutely weird. Friday we set a new feels like temp of 122 degrees, for you in the South that may not be high but it is extremely over the top for here. Next afternoon it was 40 degrees warmer. This morning I am wearing a fleece sweater with a quilt on my legs. Brrrr but would rather be chilly then roasting!
Kassaundra, Your striped WW border looks very difficult. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Originally Posted by Kassaundra
I should be working on packaging my squishy, but I have been working on the corners of the striped wibbly wobbly border, and my brain hurts but it is figured out!!!!! I have 2 done.
I've now received replies to most emails I sent out. Only need to hear from Macybaby (Early Birds) and Lstew2212, marija, Suzisew and Smglover207 in this group. Gals, when you get a chance, please reply to the email so I know you've rec'd it. If I don't hear from you within a few days, I'll be wondering if I've got the wrong email address. Thanks!
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