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Old 07-22-2019, 10:21 AM
miniquilts's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: South eastern Ohio
Posts: 52

Picked her up yesterday, and it wasn't the 403 like I thought, but it was a nice little 404. Given this means I'm still looking for another machine(already have my eye on a Viking) but I've been taking her apart to clean her up. Turns out someone was a smoker in her previous home and the nicotine that I've been getting off of her has been incredible! I was initially told that the CL poster was listing it for her mom b/c mom had gotten a new machine, apparently that wasn't totally honest. Mom seems to be suffering from Macular Degeneration, and thus she wanted it to go to someone else whom would love and use it. I still think with the cabinet and the needles, bobbins(which are the original 66 type), and all the feet included I got a great deal! I am looking at ordering a couple of replacement parts as the light bulb is burnt out, and saw a few places to order the type that will fit the base -- but I do have a question, which do you all prefer for your machines, the "cool white" of "daylight" leds?
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