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Old 07-28-2019, 07:45 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,168

Good for you! I have to push myself to do new things, but push I do.

About a year ago now I was gifted with a beautiful new-to-me modern machine. I had the decision to use it exactly as I had my old vintage machine or to use its features. Some of the tops I've done were just to learn/use those features.

With my vision changing I have to try new or at least different construction techniques.

Recently I pushed my rather stodgy self with a bag of fabrics I saw at the Goodwill. I could see that while I would never have collected those fabrics, there was a quilt in there.

From this board I've tried a number of things, one thing is not pressing my binding in half before putting it on. I'm sort of meh about my results so far, but yesterday I cut some flannel for a backing and binding and I think the non-fold method is the exact thing I need with this thick flannel.

Also this past year I've been doing more with gripping rulers after a thread on this board. I had tried them when they first came out and didn't like them, but now my 6.5x24" Quilters Rule is my go-to for cutting strips.

I've developed techniques that work for me, I'm happy to try new ideas to see if they work for me or not. Some do/some don't, only way to know is to try!
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