Old 02-25-2010, 01:16 AM
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Rach you asked for honest - I love the centre, yes you have some jumps from light to dark but that is the nature of the fabric and not a bad thing, it makes it more striking. But I think the border extensions distract, they draw the eye out and away whilst the eye is busy trying to get to grips with the contrasts in the centre. I'd take 'em out and just have a simple, solid, dark frame, with the skinny gold/tan in between. JMHO! But great job!

Cheryl - I love your layout with the diagonal effect through the centre!

Amma - you rock! I've always cut the points off, except on two where I cut whole triangles in the background then trimmed their points oss - too lazy! So thanks so much for doing that EQ thang!
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