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Old 04-18-2008, 02:55 PM
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well IMHO most is NOT istealing. Many patterns that we see have been around for years. As far as ART.... how many new ideas are there anyway?

Now if you copy something that is posted for sale in a quilt shop, quilt show or online, then technically it is stealing since someone is using the pattern / quilt as a business to make money, and by copying it instead of buying it you are depriving them of their income.

Many quilters, even professional ones, do not mind if you use their work as inspirational BUT you MUST give them credit on your back label or when telling someone about the quilt you made using the other person's work as inspiration. You should not let it be assumed that the idea is your own. Even if you BUY a pattern you should give credit to the original quilt artist.

I get ideas online all the time, but most are from patterns that have been around all the time. If I copy something from 'simply quilts' for instance, I give credit to the artist who presented the 'instruction' on my back label, but then I give it my own title, cuz I use fabric from my own stash, not the exact fabrics as were presented on the class. Does that make sense?

Anyone have a different take on this? And if I am WRONG in my thinking, please let me know!

keep on quilting, sue

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