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Old 07-31-2019, 01:22 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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wow! we had our first 6 hour decluttering/organizing session today with 4 folks helping. My 2 helper and I concentrated on my office and the part of the studio that extends into that space and the attached walk in closet. DH and his two helpers worked on his studio space. I can't believe the amount of stuff that got taken out of our house- either to recycle, trash or donate.

The declutterers took all the stuff out of the spaces and sorted it so that like things were with like things. Then they called us in to make decisions about what we wanted to keep. The rest got carted away immediately and then they put the things away that we had opted to keep. It was very intense, but I am really happy to have the closet space and most surfaces in my office/studio freed up. Next time they come back they will work on finishing up DH's studio and my office and textile studio. We are saving my painting studio for the fall-- it will be even more labor intensive due to the amount of stuff to be dealt with.

We have some homework to do before they come for the second session which is on Aug. 12. I am really glad that we decided against having the two sessions back to back- would have been very overwhelming. As it is, I can now walk into my walk in closet and there is a designated spot for everything that is currently in there. I expect I'll sleep well tonight- as long as I take an Aleve at bedtime LOL!

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