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Old 08-02-2019, 11:01 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 668
Default I'm on a Mission (31) update

Ok - slight change of plans - I decided to concentrate on the kiddo's quilts first - of which I have 13 of 14 tops done. While working on one of them (the red/blue Ohio Star), I found out the child I was making it for was not as old as I had thought (turned 7 the day I was working on it. I thought he was like 10 or 11), so I finished what I started (I literally had the outside border to add on when I found out it was his "7th" b-day, rededicated it to to an adult and started from scratch on another I-spy quilt ("Kade" one) for him. So here is the balance of those.

It will take me a little longer to finish the last one since it is paper pieced, plus I am debating on changing the entire design of the quilt to something different.

These have been fun and I wish I had time to finish all of the adult quilts before starting the quilting process but I think that would really be pushing my luck. I do have a back-up plan on the adult quilts however. 4 of them live out of town (2 - way out, like out of state out), so they are the next 4 quilts on the list outside of these 14 kids quilts. I figure the rest I can hand deliver after Christmas as needed since everyone else literally lives within 5 miles of us. But I will press on and see how far I get.

Thanks for stopping for a peek and have a great quilty weekend!

Last edited by fatsewcat; 10-05-2022 at 09:00 AM.
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