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Old 08-04-2019, 06:03 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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In my book the seller has a few strikes against her.
1. The machine has been rented for probably three years. She said “lightly used.” Not true.
2. She is not a private party, she’s a business woman. False advertising.
3. Her price is high.
4. The vibration— is this why she is selling it, I wonder?
5. She is 1.5 hrs from you so you would have to transport and aet up , and with a used machine, would she offer any support afterward if you meed it? My gut says no even if she says yes, because she already has been dishonest with 1 and 2.

I don’t deal with anyone who has given me that niggling feeling. i would pay more for full conference.
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