Old 08-30-2019, 04:14 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Gainesville, Missouri
Posts: 520

Oh this is a good thread, I'm always up for finding new ways to stash things!!

I'm always recycling empty medicine bottles, I currently have a large Aleve bottle that I use to put all my bent and broken needles and pins in. As soon as I fill it, I hand it off to my fiance and he takes it to a friend of ours that scraps and he disposes them for me. I also keep a pint sized jelly jar next to my machine that I drop my thread ends in, and not just for sewing, I use it for my yarn bits as well. As soon as that gets filled though, I take it outside and dump it on the ground, the birds love using them for their nests, makes for some colorful nests sometimes!

The plastic containers for like disinfectant wipes, I use those to stash rolls of fat eighths in, you know they're squeaky clean on the inside because of the bleach and when I pull one out, it always smells fresh. I keep them color organized and mark them with what color and then how many I have on the side.

Since I'm so incredibly rural and keeping my house dust-free is a daily chore, I took up using gallon and quart sized Ziploc bags to store my fat quarters and half-yards in. They're organized by color, how many I have in each bag, then they're zipped in with a fabric sheet, excess air released and put in my three drawer storage bin. That move alone helped me organize my stash better than anything I've ever tried and since they're put in clean and zipped with a fabric sheet, pulling them out is quite nice because they smelled like I just got them out of the dryer. Also found out that my storage bin can handle a lot more fabric doing it that way because I stand them up straight and it's like a complete filing system of fabric.

I think that's all I can think of that I do for right now, going to definitely watch this thread, what a great idea to get it started!!
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