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Old 09-08-2019, 04:56 AM
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Default DWR Question - Pressing

Happy Sunday, everyone!!

I've started to audition the Double Wedding Ring for my little sister's quilt I'm hoping to start sometime in January. I don't have the fabric I'm going to use for her quilt, I'm basically just going through the motions and learning the rings on scrap fabric, something I got into not too long ago to ease down the frustration and headaches that can come up with piecing. I keep a notebook near by and if I run into a problem and then a solution, I write it down so that way I have something to reference when it comes time to make the actual quilt.

I do have a question when it comes to pressing, which I realize everyone has their personal preference, I'm just trying to see if this is something I need to address now, or if I can roll with it and not worry too much. I've been following Shar Jorgensen's instructions on YouTube, I found hers to be the best and least confusing, her instructions state when it comes time to attach the arch to the melon and then press it, to press the seam towards the melon, but I'm finding that everything seems to lay better when the seam is pressed towards the arch, which keeps the melon piece flat.

I'm curious as to whether or not this will contribute to any size difference and if anyone else that has done a DWR can maybe weigh in on their own experience? It would help me a lot!
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