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Old 09-10-2019, 05:05 AM
Janice McC
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Mioonrise, I'm sorry to hear the craft fair/market biz has been so challenging. It's tough when you plan on something and it falls apart with no warning. Shame on them for disappearing and leaving everyone hanging. I hope a new opportunity presents itself soon! Much luck!
Originally Posted by moonrise
...Yep, much busier than I anticipated ... and unfortunately, not in a good way. We've had a "Murphy's Law" kind of summer. Posting all the details would turn into a book, but suffice it to say that things have been challenging since mid-May (understatement). Craft fair-wise, I was lucky to find a local farmer's market that was accepting new vendors for the summer, so DH and I have been there every Saturday, even in 102-degree heat, selling our handmade things. My regular craft fair season starts in late September / early October, which is when the farmer's market ends, so the timing was perfect. Sales weren't exactly fantastic, but it was enough to help a bit with finances. However, last week, the coordinator of the farmer's market suddenly shut it down weeks early, leaving everyone hanging. I've been scrambling to find other events to do, but with such short notice, it's almost impossible. I did find something for this weekend, thankfully, so I'm scrambling to get some extra things made. I've been alternating between that and working on the Boom blocks ... mostly working with my left hand because my right shoulder is still yelling at me. Loads of fun! LOL!

But anyway, yeah ... needless to say, I've been busy!

I think I have around 5 Boom blocks left to finish. I hope to get them done within the next few days.
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