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Old 09-23-2019, 06:37 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,067

Interesting to see this pop back up -- I'm still looking for the directions to the Ribbon/Christmas quilt. I bought a little drive unit that plugs into the USB port the right size for those square computer disks. The disk I think the directions are on can read one directory but not the other! Argh. We have one old system that still has Windows 7 on it, it shouldn't make a difference but I'm going to try plugging in that unit and try reading the disk there. Data recovery rates are not worth the cost especially with no guarantees. I know I saw at least one page of the written directions in the sewing room in the last year and I do still have the EQ program file, but it was the construction technique and the sizes that are the loss.

Those were the tops with the biggest stories, some of my tops in progress have stories of their own but I'm not calling them unfinished yet... I will be doing a thread on my series of tops for me, when I'm done I'll have a different quilt for each month of the year. Still have to take a couple of pictures of the in-progress tops and start the write-ups before I'm ready to post.

Long ago I decided a finished top was a finished project, just not yet a finished quilt. What I really love is the planning and playing with fabric and piecing, not such a fan on the quilting part. While I am finishing quilts it is clear to me that I'm going to leave this world or at least my quilting time will be done long before all my tops are finished. I'm ok with that. The ones that are meant for specific people are the ones that will get done, the ones I work on just to have projects may or may not get done, but they all get put away with a back and a binding.

I really like making queen sized quilts, but that's a hard size for me to get quilted down. I can handle a crib to twin project and get it quilted so that's the size range I'm going to make the most of. Finishing up a donation quilt today actually, I'm not so happy with the quilting and probably will have to take out and redo some sections but I'm going to try washing it first, sometimes that helps the stitch quality as stuff puffs back out. First I have to finish hand sewing about a foot of binding -- lol at my speed that should take me most of the rest of the day
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