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Old 09-28-2019, 07:50 AM
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Default Looking for the Perfect Iron...

Aren't we all?!?!

My current iron, a Rowenta Pro made in Germany, is on the outs. It doesn't deliver burst of steam reliably and has leaked brown water. It steams vigorously until the water tank is down to half full, then nothing. I cleaned it last week with a mix of water/vinegar and it seems to be better but I no longer trust it, especially for ironing quilts that aren't mine.

Before that, I had a Black and Decker D2030 Digital Advantage which I loved. But I ruined it after moving to a house with softened water. Purchased another to replace it and used water from the outside spigot that wasn't softened bit it leaked so returned it. The beauty of this B&D is that it doesn't require that you empty the water tank after every use. I loved the iron but it only delivered 1500 watts and I've become accustomed to a hotter iron.

So I'm on a quest and would love your feedback on irons that might meet my desired requirements:
- 1800 watts
- easy to fill directly from a gallon milk jug
- can leave water in the tank after use
- on/off switch/button
- stainless, preferred, or ceramic soleplate - no Teflon
- not a Rowenta, have had two disappointments
- not a dry iron
- holds about 10 ounces or more of water

I'm sure there are other things I'd like but these are the biggies. I've searched pretty extensively but never know if I've missed anything. A new one that I just found Beautural 1800 by is interesting but the manual says to empty water.

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