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Old 09-28-2019, 08:32 AM
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CarolinePaj's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Suffolk, UK
Posts: 3,528

Hello Everyone,

I am so sorry that I have been MIA for the last few weeks...... but things have been a little manic here. Joe, by sweetie was rushed into hospital a couple of weeks ago and of course he became my priority.... happily is is home now and whilst not totally recovered (he decided to come out in shingles too) he is on the mend. We have at the same time had a cat that hasn't eaten for 12 days - 7 visits to the vet and £800 later - all they can come up with is a suspected UTI and a lesion in his mouth. We have now had to have his urine cultured in the lab and will get the results on Tuesday. But the worst of all is today... my baby went off to university. Now... this has been the saddest, happiest, proudest moment of my life all rolled into one. Emma worked so hard to be accepted in Imperial College London to study Chemical Engineering... and I am so proud of her, but I miss her so much already and it has only been four hours since we left her. Of course, we have had to prepare and shop for uni whilst everything else was going on.... so as you can imaging... a busy time.

Still enough moaning from me... on to the swap.

At present we have the following members taking part.....


But there is still room for more and you have a couple of days to sign up still.


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