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Old 10-03-2019, 10:53 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Kansas
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I like your spreadsheet idea, Iceblossom. I have something similar on my Kindle notepad:

•Totally Finished Quilts Goals (✔ = 100% done, binding and all)
Fun on the Farm #1 ✔
Fun on the Farm #2 ✔
Trip Around the World (Christmas gift)
Isabelle's baby quilt
Mariam's log cabin (Christmas gift)

•Finished Quilt Tops Ready for Quilting:
Sisters Choice
Scrappy Log Cabin
Isabelle's baby quilt

•In the Works: (not every one of my UFOs is listed, just the one's I want to focus on.)
Mariam's log cabin
Trip Around the World
Single Irish Chain w/ Stars. (UFO)
Scrappy Jewel Box (UFO)
Star Patch MSQC
Hunters Star (UFO)
Summer Quilt Swap (UFO)
Scrappy Burgoyne Surrounded
BOOM Swap 22 Sooner Quilt
RWB Sylvia's Bridal Sampler
Charm Double Irish Chain (UFO)
Embroidered Daffodils quilt (UFO)
Sunbonnet Sue (UFO from 2012!)

•Haven't Started But Have Supplies
Eleanor Burns Victory Quilt ('30s Patriotic)
Checkered Dresden MSQC (jelly roll)
Jack and Jill MSCQ (jelly roll from Mum)
Bear's Paw (winter lodge layer cake)

My goal is to finish the three more, and if I am lucky I can even quilt up my tops ready for quilting too. Then I will seriously focus on all those others 'in the works' quilts, without starting anymore! The one nice thing about having so many quilts going is that I can jump between them all without guilt.

Last edited by NZquilter; 10-03-2019 at 10:56 AM.
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